Persepolis By:Marjane Satrapi

Persepolis is a graphic novel made by Marjane Strapi, this book explore her childhood and how she lived through the middle of the Iraq war. She draws her life and shows all of the things that happend to her and how she managed to lived.This website will help you nagivate all about her life and the book as well.

Marjane Satrapi's life!

Information about her life!

Marjane Satrap grew up in Rahst,Iran, born in November 22, 1969, she did not have any siblings and only had her parents growing up.She also went to school and only had that in her life.Both of her parents were both very political and cared about what was going on in their lives. This also mean that Marjane would've gotten this trait from her parents. She was very educated and believed that knowing what was going on her country was important.

Although she has wroten a book about her life we still dont know much.After she wrote persepolis we also see how she wrote a couple more grpahic novels following her life and her parents as well so we can see more of her life after she moved away. We also know that Satrapi got married aorund 1996. Although she has no children they are currently still together. Currenlty Satrapi is located in France. She also after writing many books has won many awards such as Cannes Jury Prize, Cezar award for best feature film, Sutherland trophy, and Princess of Astruias award.Aside from writing books and drawing them, we also see how she has been in multiple films especially in her own film after the book persepolis!.

- Book summary -

We learn that Marjane Satrapi was acutally in a higher class than most people and that she owned a cadillac, a cadillac meant that you were in a higher class since most people dont have an expensive car.During this we also learn that Iran was alrady having problems with other countries. We were able to see how after she came back from vacation with her family that not only was everyhting heating up, there was a war starting and that they needed to prepare. After this the country officially declares a war and revolution.Another things that is necessary to know was that after this happend she wanted to revolt and was ready to fight for her country. (more information about the Iran and iraq.) Information!

The book starts off saying that they need to start wearing a veil but they're not sure why.We get introduced to Marji and her family thorugh the first couple of chapters.We also get to see that she's in a higher class than most people because of a 'cadilac' this signifies how having a car of that model or brand shows how you're rich. Thorugh the book we see how she grows as a person and how she felt growing up in the middle of war and how their life had to change.We later see new characters and how other people got affected, we see how people believed anything on the news and trusted them.Also we see how multiple people during the war fled the country and decided to move somewhwere else where their safer such as America. At the end of the book we get to see how the only choice they had was for Marji to move out of the country and offically move to France for a safer life.

- Final Thoughts -

This book showed all of the hardships she had to go through and how stress during her life was normal.Although she had to move we see how she was a strong person and knew what was right for her.So this graphic novel showed her life in full raw emotion and even showed how she lost peolple she loved and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't prevent a lot of stuff happening to her. So seeing her character grow and show that she motivated to do anything and actually prove her worth was an amzing thing because we see how she depended a lot on herself and grew up as an individual person showing her worth and didn' let anyone hold her back.

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